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Anna Karenina Lambrechts

Anna Karenina Lambrechts is a dancer from Leuven. Since graduating from the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Tilburg /NL), she has been mainly active professionally in Brussels. In 2017, she joined the Anton Lachky company and collaborated on three productions: Cartoon, Family Journey and Ludum. At Ultima Vez, she can be seen in Go Figure Out Yourself, Traces, Hands do not touch your precious Me and Scattered Memories. From 2021, she will be focusing on her own work and immersing herself in Krump. Her first solo performance, The Sensual Side, explores the multiple layers of personality.

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From Gravity To Grace
From Gravity To Grace

In From Gravity To Grace, Anna Karenina takes the audience on an emotional journey in which she tries to understand her own roots and seeks to convey and exalt. It is a journey between the earthly and the celestial, attachment and detachment, passing through different stages of her ‘being’. A mixture of memory, questioning, vulnerability, poetry and resilience that creates a whirlwind of emotions.
From Gravity To Grace reveals her own unique dance language that transcends styles, continents, cultures and time. Here, dance is her means of expression, between krump, contemporary dance and traditional Filipino dance, Anna K. seeks to encapsulate these forms of movement in her own body. This physical solo is an ode to mixed identity.
