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At Get Down, we believe in a vision where each project and artist is unique and conveys our values of representation and authenticity through the diverse movements and influences of hip hop cultures. 

Our mission is to highlight and support the talents and projects that share these values, while encouraging the professional development of artistic careers.

We aim to share our passion for hip hop, street and club dance with a wide and diverse audience, raising awareness and making a difference through these movements. 

To achieve this, Get Down works with a number of artists. How does this collaboration work? 

We go through a number of stages to ensure that our collaboration is both fluid and relevant: from making contact, to presenting choreographic creations, to producing and strategically supporting projects, each stage of our collaboration is imbued with our commitment to the authenticity and creativity of the artists we work with.

Making contact 

Usually the first contact with an artist is organic and spontaneous. Meetings take place either at the request of the artist or company contacting our team, at artistic events or through shared networks. Whatever the approach, we look for artistic collaborations that enable us to achieve common goals and share our values and passion for dance.

For Get Down, love at first sight is essential, a sign of instant connection and perfect synergy. Our approach is all about emotion and human connection. It’s a story of “choosing each other” each other, recognising each other’s passion and committing to a shared artistic adventure, guided by a common desire to push the boundaries of creativity and make these artistic movements shine in all their forms.

The collaboration 

Once contact has been made, it is important for both the artist and Get Down to establish the objectives of the collaboration. On the one hand, it is essential that Get Down understands the specific needs and expectations of the artist or project. On the other hand, it is important for Get Down to make it clear to the artist how Get Down works, as a ‘co-pilot’ of the artist, in parallel and in support of the artist’s projects and artistic career, and not ‘instead of’ the artist. 

Depending on the projects, objectives and deadlines, the Get Down team will then propose to the artist an estimate with an offer of services within a certain timeframe, in line with the artist’s needs and the feasibility for the Get Down team. Finally, the artist validates (or not) the proposal and, if necessary, adapts it to start the collaboration. Once the proposal has been validated, Get Down and the artist sign a collaboration agreement, which includes all the services and conditions of this collaboration, as well as a charter that defines how this new professional collaboration will work. 

“Working together means choosing each other, committing to a shared artistic adventure”

What services does Get Down provide? 

Distribution, management, production and promotion/public relations

Discover all our services on this page

Our approach is one of co-piloting with the artist, with regular monitoring of their projects. What’s more, Get Down works with a commitment to resources. We do our utmost to achieve the goals agreed with the artist. However, the final outcome depends on a number of parameters, most importantly the artist’s commitment to the project and their career path.

The aim of our collaboration is to maintain a fluid and constant exchange, encouraging pro-activity, communication and a solid partnership based on trust and mutual respect.

The consecration 

Then comes the phase of inauguration, results and celebration! One of Get Down’s priorities, and Camille Philippot’s original intention, is to disseminate the work of the artists it supports to Belgian and international audiences.

Get Down is fully committed to developing and implementing effective distribution and production strategies. The idea is to support the artist throughout the creative process, from creation to distribution, to develop their network and find suitable venues, to negotiate with the various partners and to ensure rigorous administrative and organisational follow-up.

During national and international tours, the Get Down team provides support, coordination and liaison between venues, cultural events and artistic teams. Get Down’s aim is to ensure that every performance is a memorable, high quality experience for both artists and audiences. 

At the same time, we do everything we can to promote our artistic projects and engage audiences through a 360° on- and offline communications strategy. Depending on the projects and the artists’ wishes, the Get Down team develops communication strategies and action plans using print and digital content as well as press relations.

This stage is not only the culmination of objectives, but also the beginning of a new adventure, where each performance is a new opportunity to share, to exchange artistically and humanly, and to open up future professional and artistic opportunities. Through these moments of shared emotion, every applause is an affirmation of the professionalism, talent, passion and dedication of the artists we choose to support. 

Ultimately, Get Down offers these various services and collaborations to artists, partners and various stakeholders with the aim of promoting and highlighting these artists and their art. However, despite Get Down’s constant efforts, it can sometimes be difficult to achieve certain goals. The agency is constantly striving to improve, to train, to challenge itself and to innovate by proposing new tools and ways of working. Get Down remains a relatively young agency, structured as an ASBL since 2021. What’s more, in its day-to-day work, Get Down strives to integrate thinking and action in relation to its environmental, social and economic impact and context. 

Discover our services and more information about Get Down