Get Down is the first diffusion agency in Brussels, specializing in hip-hop and street dances, reaching out to everyone, whether they are connoisseurs, enthusiasts, or naturally curious.
For Get Down, the term “street dance” refers to all dance styles that originated outside of dance studios, either on the streets or in nightclubs. Among them are hip-hop and breakdance, the most well-known, as well as krump, house, popping, locking, dancehall, afro house, ragga, voguing, waacking, heels, and more.
First focus on one of these street dances, the krump.
Born in the ghettos of Los Angeles in the early 2000s, the krump is one of the latest forms of street dances. It is a visceral, pure, liberating, and uncompromising expression of the emotions that run through each dancer. It is a cry to be heard when words are no longer enough. Combining explosive movements like chest pops, a kind of convulsion of the chest, and arm swings, swift arm movements reminiscent of boxers’ punches, the krump is sometimes perceived as dark, violent, and masculine. However, it is nothing more than the raw expression of emotions channeled through movement. Dance becomes an escape, a neutral space for self-expression. Despite certain precise codes, the krump offers limitless freedom of expression that taps into transmitted energy. Some dancers also say they rediscover their roots and soul through dancing krump, in contrast to hip-hop, which many consider to have become too commercial. In the United States, the krump is also practiced during religious ceremonies, akin to spirituality. It is seen as a divine gift. In these disadvantaged and stigmatized neighborhoods, the krump is an alternative to gang integration. It creates a community of mutual support centered around shared values and morals. It is a source of hope for anyone who feels respected and free to express their talent.
Popularized by the film “Rize“, a documentary by the American director David LaChapelle released in 2005, the krump is sometimes associated with other practices such as contemporary dance or Japanese butoh.
Get Down supports the artist Hendrickx Ntela in the diffusion of her creation BLIND, a choreographed krump as powerful as the improvised one. “Blind” refers to the blindness of populations, whether conscious or unconscious, fueled by a system that generates unattainable desires through social media and other means. It is an engaged creation, reflecting the krump culture, allowing each dancer to express the emotions that flow through them. A true catharsis.
The artists on stage share the same desire to showcase this expressive dance to the world, born from intention and captivating attention like a magnet. A street dance that also echoes the values of openness and tolerance advocated by Get Down.
To learn more, Hendrickx Ntela shares his journey and the creation of BLIND in an exclusive interview.

Extraits de Blind
Photos ©Shino Vision